Category Archives: video
temple mount
bannu pyramida
porcupine tree, sky, moved sideway
try ja love 13
try ja love 13, 2006, 4:23 min.
take number 13 from the making of “Try Ja Love”.
Starring Theodore Bouloukos. background – Vertov’s ‘the man with the moving camera’.
The Perfect Human – The Six Obstruction
The Perfect Human, The Six Obstruction, 2006- 2019, 12:07 min.
Lars von Trier’s favorite film was ‘The Perfect Human’, a Jørgen Leth’s classic from 1968.
In 2003, Lars von Trier and Jørgen Leth colaborated and made ‘The Five Obstructions’, a film in which Von Trier gave Leth the task of remaking ‘The Perfect Human’ five times, each time with a different “obstruction” (obstacle).
In 2006 I shot ‘The Perfect Human, The Six Obstruction’, A variation on Leth’s classic. The movie is using the synopsis/storyboard and sound track of Leth’s original.
With Theodore Bouloukos and Joanne Douglas.
Lenin with Meir Pichhadze
‘Once while walking, Leo Tolstoy spotted in the distance the figure of a
man squatting and gesturing strangely; a madman, he thought, but on
drawing nearer he was satisfied that the man was attending to necessary
work, sharpening a knife on a stone. Lenin was fond of citing this example.
Ygael Gluckstein (Tony Cliff ) – Lenin Vol 1
Portrait of Meir Pichhadze. Music by Yehuda Poliker.
Goya’s Tales
Dual Dual
Collaboration with Brian Gibson. Two views combined on West Broadway, NY.